Friday, 28 January 2011

bitter north wind

The wind was biting and we all felt very cold.Misty kept leaping and turning round as if a ghost or spooky something was behind her and butch was not in the mood for anything except the odd nervous jump at nothing.We did the bridle paths in the woods meeting a few other horse riders out in this cold wind.The loggers were cutting the trees but were not in our way for once,when will they go away?The treasure trail was are route back and some surprised bikers who were putting up illegal jumps thought we were going to tell them off except of course we were illegally on the path too! getting back to the stables we were frozen,my feet like blocks of ice and my hands numb with cold.Misty was very unhappy and refused my carrots,annoyed about going out in the cold no doubt.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

muddy ride.

The weather was looking bleak and full of rain clouds and we thought this was going to be a wet ride.Arriving early due to a muddle with days off we found our steads waiting for us.The weather was grey but no hint of rain.
We set of down the lane towards the river so far so good no hint of floods but coming to the ford the river was deeper than usual and crossing we had to urge them on.Over the other side it was muddy but passable and we met another horse rider whose horse refused to cross the river,we sympathized and carried on only to find the path flooded and the roar of the river shut out all conversations.Butch and Misty refused to cross either crossings so we too had turn back and go up the far steep path losing half an hour of ride.We headed to the old mans path but turned as time now was short.We had a few muddy canters the mud flying up and hitting us.On the way back we just missed the wardens van speeding up the lane.Back at stables we untacked quickly as we had to get back by 1.